
“Imam” Suhaib Webb comes out in support of GAY marriage

In his push to be accepted as a moderate “imam” Mr Suhaib Webb now says he has rethought his views on gay marriage. In a recent interview for the Boston globe newspaper he said:

Webb tweeted that he had made “mistakes,” and, in an interview last week, said he had rethought the gay marriage issue. Even if Islam regards homosexuality as a sin, Webb said the constitution guarantees the rights of everyone to get married.

This was in response Dr Charles Jacobs who had labeled him a homophobe and tried to prove how “imam” suhiab Webb was not a moderate Muslim but rather the opposite.

I have previously discussed how this particular “Imam” is dangerously bordering on the fringes of kufr. That is, disbelief in the words of Allah. Every Muslim categorically knows there is no places for homosexuality in Islam or anywhere for that matter. There is no need to produce evidence for this here, this is a fact which is clear as the blue sky on a hot summer’s afternoon! All the divinely revealed religions completely abhor and deny this unnatural and disgusting practice!

For Mr Suhiab Webb to come out and say:

Even if Islam regards homosexuality as a sin, Webb said the constitution guarantees the rights of everyone to get married.

He is in fact saying ‘although my religious book, the Quran says homosexuality is not allowed. I accept it because the US national constitution allows it’. – In effect placing the man-made, ill constructed piece of garbage higher than the book of Allah. In turn taking the US constitution as his new religious book.

Suhaib Webb is a man who has been on a collision course with the traditional principles of Islam for years. More so in the past few months than ever before. His views have changed from authentic beliefs of Islam, to the mud-filled, rotten-smelling, “moderate” dump as it has become now.
Concerns of Mr Webb began to rise when he started to criticize the sunnah dress code, its appearance and its applicability to the western world several years ago. In many respects degrading it to the “garbs of terrorists like Osama bin Laden”. As he so famously said here: Don’t dress like bin laden (watch the video) Mr Webb is bending over backs to keep his non-Muslims counterparts happy. So, they do not label him as a ‘terrorist, extremist or fundamentalist. People like Webb should realize as long as a person has iman in Allah you will not escape from being labelled as a “fundamentalist”.

His attempt to win over the acceptance his white-collar western masters has made a number of “Muslims for GAY marriage” Facebook pages to spring up. Adding his name to the unfortunate growing number of pseudo-shaykhs, or rather “Imams” who have come out in support of this sub-human practice.
suhaib webb gay – Example of the FB pages quickly emerging

suhiab webb gay 2 – Giving support to groups like the “progressive muslims”, a group who are out to destroy the very foundations of classical Islam.

Mr Webb, had already fallen from the grace of all the traditional Muslims with his onslaught of attacks on the sunnah. But this new line of ideology which he has chosen to adopt to maintain his status quo as the lap dog of american liege lords, is sure to make even the moderate non-practicing Muslims concerned. Many people unequivocally accept arguments from the likes of Mr Webb simply because he has studied Islamic knowledge at the prestigious Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, for a number of years . Well, these die-hard fans should realize Dr Mansour, the founder of the deviant Quranists movement, also memorised the Quran and studied at Al-Azhar for over 10 years:

Of course not all the Azharis’ turn out to be like Suhiab webb or Dr Mansour, but this is an example of how merely gaining knowledge of Islam does not allow a person to have unquestionable transcendence to say and do what he likes. Simply because he has studied at Al Azhar for a number of years. Gulam Mirza Qaddiyani, the British manufactured disbeliever, who claimed to be a prophet, also at one point was a man of authentic knowledge and islamic beliefs. Yet despite this, everyone is aware of the end he achieved; the bottomless pit of Hell!

We are living in dangerous times where saving a person’s iman from destruction and ruin is harder than in any other time of the muslim ummah. Not only is there attacks from outside the ummah but from within as well. Attacks which are subtle and disguised as “Islamically” inspired words and actions.

By ServantofAlMalik

Islam is in the spotlight now more than ever before and this has caused people to question the faith itself and none more so than the new-age modernists muslims, largely from the convert western countries who are hell-bent on reforming Islam and its traditional values. This blog is a small space in the vastness of the internet where the fight to preserve, uphold and dignify the traditional inherent human values, are proactively argued against the onslaught of modernist propaganda and hate. Covering topics from current affairs to life-enriching inspirations, though to the traditional teachings of the pious and the awliyah of the past and the present. If you would like to contribute to this blog, or become an author of articles then why not contact me on

18 replies on ““Imam” Suhaib Webb comes out in support of GAY marriage”

He is actually trying to keep both Allah and the Satan happy. Two things impossible to do,
you will either please Allah or the Satan. Its a choice everyone has to make.


Imam Shuaib have said this story is not true on his facebook page. Let’s be real careful before we slander anyone with no concrete proof. May Allah forgive us.


I saw it myself. I am not a big fan of Shuaib Webb either but as Muslims we need to be very careful.

image.png [here is a copy of his facebook page. I don’t know if it will show here.

Allah knows best.


Imam Suhaib should know by these attacks that he has become a very powerful leader, be careful because if they can,t slander you , you know what the do to powerful leaders. The islamic movement needs your insight I found the lack of understanding historicallyand present day a crime especialy when you give lectures on how to do dawa in america. So tired


As a non-American in the US, I am very offended at how the article calls the US Constitution a piece of garbage. This is perhaps the only Constitution around the world that allowed for Sunnis, Shias, Wahhabis, Salafis and Ahmadiyyas to all practice their faiths peacefully. Have all the scholarly dispute you want about Imam Webb and homosexuality, but please be respectful. Allah bless America.


I don’t understand your contrived outrage. It is hyperbole at best.
As I understand it his point was, “Even if Islam regards homosexuality as a sin, Webb said the constitution guarantees the rights of everyone to get married.”
The meaning is clear here. Homosexual acts are immoral by the teachings of Islam but they are legal in America, the country of Imam Webb’s residence. He is effectively saying that he respects the law of the land (as Islam charges him to) and understands that undermining the legal rights of one minority paves the way for the rights of other minorities, such as Muslims, to be disregarded.
And let’s be careful here. He is not denying the teachings of Islam. America is not a country under Islamic law (nor is any other country in today’s world) and as such there will be laws that Islam opposes and it does not go against Islam to accept the legality but not the morality of these laws as long as Muslims are not being forced to participate in the moral recognition of homosexual acts, which at the moment is not the case.
By slandering Muslims doing good work who are trying to ease the burdens of their brothers and sisters, you are playing into the hands of those who would disgrace Islam (both secular extremists and religious extremists) and paint it as a bloodthirsty scourge intent on breaking societies instead of the mercy, tolerance and sincerity that the practice of Islam affords.
Instead of spending finite earthly time disparaging others I advise you revisit your knowledge of Islam and learn from the actions and conduct of the Prophet (SAW) by working to employ Islam in benefitting yourself and your society instead of spreading untruths and harming the pursuit of a balanced understanding of Islam.
Assalamu alaykum.

Liked by 1 person

I don’t understand your contrived outrage. It is hyperbole at best.
As I understand it his point was, “Even if Islam regards homosexuality as a sin, Webb said the constitution guarantees the rights of everyone to get married.”
The meaning is clear here. Homosexual acts are immoral by the teachings of Islam but they are legal in America, the country of Imam Webb’s residence. He is effectively saying that he respects the law of the land (as Islam charges him to) and understands that undermining the legal rights of one minority paves the way for the rights of other minorities, such as Muslims, to be disregarded.
And let’s be careful here. He is not denying the teachings of Islam. America is not a country under Islamic law (nor is any other country in today’s world) and as such there will be laws that Islam opposes and it does not go against Islam to accept the legality but not the morality of these laws as long as Muslims are not being forced to participate in the moral recognition of homosexual acts, which at the moment is not the case.
By slandering Muslims doing good work who are trying to ease the burdens of their brothers and sisters, you are playing into the hands of those who would disgrace Islam (both secular extremists and religious extremists) and paint it as a bloodthirsty scourge intent on breaking societies instead of the mercy, tolerance and sincerity that the practice of Islam affords.
Instead of spending finite earthly time disparaging others I advise you revisit your knowledge of Islam and learn from the actions and conduct of the Prophet (SAW) by working to employ Islam in benefitting yourself and your society instead of spreading untruths and harming the pursuit of a balanced understanding of Islam.
Assalamu alaykum.


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