
Disturbing remarks of Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani

Several months ago Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani, who is held by many to be a highly god – conscious man. A man who has perfected the inner and the outer sciences of Islam and is therefore seen be the epitome of ‘excellence’. Caused out cry when he allowed many of his female students or more rightly ‘mureeds’, to kiss his hands. Now, i like to stay clear of controversies and conspiracy theories surrounding influential individuals. Over the past number of years i had seen and heard many surprising and simply shocking news about the ‘shaykh’ and thought better of it. From holding mixed Hadra gatherings to private consultation sessions with female students. But, unfortunately, this has gone to an all time low. I was asked by a person to highlight some of the issues that are increasingly growing within the circles of ‘shaykh’ Nazim. Having tried to stay clear of jumping into the band wagon, i have no option but to finally open the lid and show people the contents of the box. When it comes to highlighting the truth and standing shoulder to shoulder, as it were, with the established sources of Islam. I will always use whatever little ability Allah has given me to draw people to a clear and sound understanding of Islam. Which is based on authentic, strongly grounded and solid sources. I will not shy away from mentioning issues which needs attention, no matter who they are. Something which i have learnt to do from the teachings of my beloved shaykh. May Allah give him a long life amin.

To cut straight to the point, no one is allowed to ‘kiss’, shake hands with, or meet anyone if they are not mehrams! (related close female family members; daughters, mothers, sisters etc). No matter who the individual is. Let alone allowing female mureeds to kiss the hands of the shaykh, generally speaking, we as Muslims are not even allowed to shake hands with a non – related muslim female! So, the question of allowing female students to kiss the hands of a shaykh does not even deserve an answer. When Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani was questioned about this, this was his reply:

Q: But not only men are kissing your hand, but women too. Is that allowed in Islam?

S.N: Do they have evidence on that? If that was prohibited we would not be allowed to approach our women. They have no fiqr. (Quran, Surat 4, Ayat 43 and Surat 5, Ayat 6). You may touch.

Q: For the mahram, or…?

S.N: …an Nissa, is alif lam a sign for all women, or just for some? There is a secret reality there: You can touch a lady, but if your ego awakes with a bad desire it is prohibited. A person may touch his daughter or his mother and it is not prohibited. He may touch his wife and it could be prohibited. Nothing awakes in a person with his mahram, but if it is not a mahram it is dangerous. That is why the Shariah prevents you to touch without a reason. Otherwise a doctor couldn’t touch the body of a woman. No-one objects to the millions of ladies who every day go to the doctor and show everything. It did not exist at the time of the Prophet*. When they give birth they show themselves completely! How can that be? Why do people not complain about that? Instead they come to me, a person who is 80 years old!

Being blunt and frankly speaking, this is simply silly and shows a lack of understanding! Complete utter nonsense! The prophet (saw) was never alone with a non – mehram women or even touched a non – mehram woman! How can you equate halal interactions with mehrams as being the same as non – mehrams? Secondly, the example he uses of doctors being allowed to ‘see’ is totally wrong. The situation in which this is allowed is when there are no other alternative available of female doctors or, in dire needs and circumstances male doctors can be used to seek help and remedy of problems. The way ‘shaykh’ Nazim is presenting the situation seems like every Muslim woman is willfully undressing herself in front of doctors!. (Astagfirullah)

Remember, no matter how big a shaykh may be. He or she, for that matter, do not have, in any way shape of form, the legal right to see, meet, or even touch non – mehram women/men. The rules of the shariyah are for everyone. It is the same for an 80-year-old man as it is for a 15-year-old teen who is in his full bloom of adolescence. The prophet (saw) predicted there will be numerous people who emerge near the end of time. Who will try to bring in subtle changes to the dheen/shariyah. Changes which in the eyes of many would seem normal and quite acceptable. ‘we have to change with the times’ will become the motto of the day.
But, these would be great affront in the court of Allah and his rasul (saw).
Syyiduna Ali (R.A) narrates that once he was in the presence of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam when the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam questioned, “Tell me what is the most worthy act of a woman?” Upon hearing this all the Companions of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam remained silent. Syyiduna Ali (R.A) further reports that when I returned to my house I forwarded the same question to Hazrat Fatimah (R.A). She replied, “A woman should not see any man nor should a man see her.” Syyiduna Ali (R.A) says, “I then related this to the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and he stated that Fatimah is my beloved child, for this reason she has understood properly.” (Musnad-e-Bazzaar)

If the blessed companions, who were from the best generations to have ever come forth on earth. Were commanded to lower their gazes and protect themselves from unnecessary interactions and being alone with non- mehram women. Which sufi can say he or she has more taqwa than them? or, that he has reached such a stage in which if women kiss his hands, there is no inclination of sexual desires! Know that no sufi can reach the level of taqwa to the level of the dust beneath the shoes of the companions of the prophet (Saw). If they were told to do lower their gazes and not to touch non – mehram women. Then who on earth has the right to come along several centuries later and change this ethos to suit his twisted ‘sufi’ ways? This is an example of the wrong Sufism which unfortunately, exists.

If anyone wants to follow the true sufiyah then the companions were the pinnacle of the very word ‘sufi’. They were the very essence of what tasaawuff teaches and preaches. These sorts of statements and actions by the Pseudo-sufi/neo-sufi camp are destroying the very teachings of the real tassawuff. Giving ammunition to the right-wing extremists within the ummah. Also known as the salafiyah.

    I can see why the western convert communities, – the neo sufi camps favour such ‘sufi shaykhs’. – Whom are popular with the likes of Yusuf Islam and Muhammad Ali. Simply put, it compliments their idealist ‘liberal’ attitudes towards Islam. Where ‘live and let live’ and ‘free love’ is the theme in their minds. A version of Islam which is free from traditional constraints and boundaries of interactions. As we near the end times, and see the demise of more of God’s friends from earth, these sorts of egoistic excuses will become more rampant and common amongst even the so-called ‘scholarly’ communities. This is because these ‘scholars’ will be void of the spiritual essence of Islam. Whom will only have the outer shell and no inner substance.

Why is this not allowed? i hear you say. well, for a start when we open the doors to this then there is no knowing what will happen next. Lets say this WAS allowed. That, a woman could kiss the hand of her 80-year-old shaykh. Who is to say once he dies the next in line will not lower this age limit to 70? or even 60?. A solution to a problem is, to cut the root of it before it begins. Likewise, the shariyah does this for everyone’s sake. It stops problems arising before it is even thought of. So, if the leader of a group says ‘he is all pure and free from desires’, then the next in line may not be, and in turn later begins to abuse this legality.

I am well aware, this article will cause some discomfort amongst the lovers of the shaykh and more importantly his students. But, we must remember one thing. Which is, no man, save the prophets, is free from error of judgement. Even if he is seen as the ‘sultanul Awliyah’ – King of saints.

Further reading:
Neo-Sufi Conservatism

By ServantofAlMalik

Islam is in the spotlight now more than ever before and this has caused people to question the faith itself and none more so than the new-age modernists muslims, largely from the convert western countries who are hell-bent on reforming Islam and its traditional values. This blog is a small space in the vastness of the internet where the fight to preserve, uphold and dignify the traditional inherent human values, are proactively argued against the onslaught of modernist propaganda and hate. Covering topics from current affairs to life-enriching inspirations, though to the traditional teachings of the pious and the awliyah of the past and the present. If you would like to contribute to this blog, or become an author of articles then why not contact me on

30 replies on “Disturbing remarks of Shaykh Nazim Al Haqqani”

It is better not to have a Teacher [Spiritual Guide], than a Teacher, who guides you upon misguidance… Oh dear oh dear.


Mr bubu, yes one should have spiritual guide that follows the Quran and Sunnah from head to toe, In another words His speach is the Quran and his life style is sunnah nothing beyond ! Anything you find out of these TWO know that it’s from shytan.


I don’t understand why people don’t stick with tabligh – and stick with it with steadfastness. Imaan and amaal both get stronger plus others benefit too. And all money is for you, yourself without Alhamdulillah all of the above. And the work is present even among the women. Alhamdulillah.

Ah! Its a lot of work isn’t it?!.

There are really very few true Sufi shaykhs in the world.



We recite the *Shahadat & accept that our PRESENT MESSENGER IS, PROPHET MUHAMMAD ﷺ & NOT🚫THE PAST MESSENGER*

Laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Muhammadur-Rasoolu-llaah 
There is none worthy of worship except Allah and *THE MUHAMMAD ﷺ, IS THE MESSENGER* of Allah

Second Kalima *(SHAHADAT):*
Ash-hadu Al-laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Wahdahoo Laa Shareeka Lahoo Wa-Ash-hadu Anna Muhammadan ‘Abduhoo Wa Rasooluhu.
I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah, the One alone, without partner, and I bear witness that *THE MUHAMMADﷺ, IS HIS SERVANT AND THE MESSENGER*
🌎 *Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and beware if ye do turn back, know ye that it is Our Messenger’s duty to proclaim (the Message) in the clearest manner.* (5: 92).

🌎 *O ye who believe! obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those charged with authority among you. If ye differ in anything among yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger, if ye do believe in Allah and the Last Day: that is best, and most suitable for final determination.* (4: 59).

🌎 *Say: “Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger: but if ye turn away, HE is only responsible for the duty placed on him and ye for that placed on you. If ye obey him, ye shall be on right guidance*.(24: 54).

🌎 *And whoever obeys Allâh and His Messenger, Allâh shall admit him in the Gardens underneath which rivers flow.* (4:13)

🌎 *And whoever obeys Allâh and His Messenger, he has won a great success*. (33:71)


Salamun alaykum, bro hes an elderly man. We should consider this and so should his mureeds. I do not take the Shaykh seriously. Yet I do not call him a liar. I myself have had confused days and memories where I have dreamed something and thought it to be an yestaday of reality.


I completely understand your comments and also sympathise with it. However, know that we as Muslims can not over look grave errors a person makes in the name of Islam. Especially if that individual has influence over millions of Muslims. I understand we should look towards our elders with love, compassion and mercy. To overlook their shortcomings and sayings, for that matter. Nevertheless, we must also understand that this approach is suited for an elderly who is a normal person. Who has no sphere of influence. A simple person living his life. In this situation such comments and actions can be overlooked. But, if that elderly has a huge sphere of influence. Who controls vast sways of people then his comments and teachings are in a different league. Which should be held to account if he should error. As the danger is tantamount. Not only will he destroy his akhirah but also the millions of others who follow him. Remember also that, the elderly do not always speak the truth or are the champions of such matters. It was the ‘elderly’ who opposed and harmed the prophet (saw) the most. Abu jahl and his henchmen. It was infact the young who actually responded the most to the call of the prophet (saw). It is often our own stereotypical notion we place on the elderly. Thinking that since they have reached the ripe old age. They must be speaking the truth always. It was Ali (ra) at the tender age of 8 when he stood with the prophet (saw). Whereas it was the elderly who opposed the prophet (saw).


Ok no worries bro, you have a point. I just reckon it would be a lot better coming from Shaykh Hisham Kayybani, at least in a disclaimer or something written with the adab of his Shaykh, I just feel the pen has been lifted from Shaykh Nazim and he is suffering from illnesses that are found with the elderly.


The same can said and applied to ibn uthaymean, bin baz, ibn wahab and the rest of these lunies. “Maybe the pen has been lifted…” from them as well. Since they too were in a ripe old age. However, people don’t stop to think this do they? They are ready to unleash their barrage of opinions/criticisms etc on these individuals who were also ‘elderly’ when they made their ludicrous claims and preached their teachings. – Nearing the ages of mid to late 70s.
The reason people dont stop to think is:

1) They are from a different maslak. So to critize them is seen as being okay & acceptable. Yet, when someone makes almost equally ludicrous remarks from their own maslak (school of thought/ideology). Then ‘love and forgive’ is the mantra.

2) Because, (like i said previously) such people have spheres of influence. Who have some sort of power to control vast number of people. Which means, anything they say or do has to be taken into account and rebuked if and when required. Otherwise there is a great danger of harm being done not to one individual only, but a multitude of people.

You see, we cannot have one rule for us and another rule for the rest. If we are willing to overlook someone and his statements, then this blueprint rule should be applied to all. We should not be selective of who we apply this to. It should not be the case that, ‘I have one rule for my club members and a different one for non-club members’. Islam is fair to all, which entails us to be the same.


i respect this article greatly and i am glad you had the intellectual honesty to write it. many sufis i have met have this tribalistic mentality where they will defend their shaykh no matter what he says, even lying for him. perhaps i have just met the wrong sufis! shaykh nazims errors are far worse than him allowing women to kiss his hands. in a recent video on youtube he claimed the angels have stopped writing down his bad deeds, therefore he can now say the word “sh…it”. subhanAllah, these beliefs are tantamount to kufr, even the Prophet (saws)’s deeds were written until his (saws) death. a lot of people seem to get sucked into this nazim cult, my opinion on why this is, is essentially the same as you gave in the article. he gives a very watered down Islam that appeals to converts and those who don’t really want to practice the rules of Islam. he emphasises spirituality over following the Islamic law, whereas in Islam we have a balance between both and in fact we feel spiritual from striving to follow Allah (swt’s) laws.
the other thing that bothers me about nazim is his followers. those i have met claim he can read minds, be in more then one place at once and can guarantee them jannah. only Allah swt can guarantee jannah, once again these beliefs fall into kufr.

i do not deny that shaykh nazim may be able to read minds or be in more then one place at once. as ibn taymiyyah rhm stated: ” if a man can walk on water and fly in the air, but he is not upon Quran and Sunnah, then he is an awliyah of the shaytaan, and they are the ones that aid him”. we judge auliyah not by what they can do, but by their adherence to Quran and Sunnah.


Dear brother, friend or foe……..! Do not look to what others are doing but to your own inner shell. What is it that discomfort you of the doings of another man. Does not your own self (ego) discomfort you more than ever.
For one to have experienced miracles on more than three occasions which sultan-ul-awlia will continue to enhance my faith evermore to spirituality as for those who experience islam physically…would be recommended to open the heart even more so to feel the same realities of the hearafter


Aoozobillahi Minasshaytaan Nirrajeem.
May Allah SWT guide us and protect us from Kufr. I agree with the brother that Shaik Nazim and his followers are lost and in grave error and not far from Kufr and Shirk. Shaik Nazim’s passionate yearning and desire for the
” doomsday- yawmul qiyaam” is something that makes you realise he is a fake. Our blessed Nabi Muhammed SAW always feared the day of Yawmul Qiyaam even though he was sinless and granted the glad tidings of the highest Jannah. Whenever he suspected a sign of Qiyaamah like the eclipse or a bad wind, he would stand before Allah and sweat in fear profusely and pray long Salaahs begging Allahs forgiveness and His Mercy for mankind for hours on end. Even his feet used to swell from the long hours of begging for Allah’s mercy. Sheik Nazim on the other hand was very eager to see Yawmul Qiyaam come as though he was prepared to meet Allah and His reckoning. This tells me that this man had no perception of Allah’s wrath or somehow thinks he has been excused from Allah’s wrath and punishments. Can he even come near the ranks of the Master of Mankind…Nabi Muhammed SAW…the khaataman Nabiyyeen (seal of all prophets)….Imaam of all Ambiyyah?? I think those who follow him are in grave sin and need to revisit the teachings of the Quraan and the Sunnah. Out prophet Muhammed SAW said there will be no new prophet after me and this day Allah SWT has perfected your religion, anyone who makes any innovation after my demise and misguides the Ummah….fear Allah’s wrath..for he will be severely punished…I know of young unmarried woman from the UK flocking like sheep at the Sheik’s door to hear his predictions about their future…..Keeping framed pictures of the Imaan in houses and calling upon him for help is an innovation and a grave sin for none but our Rasool will be able to intercede for us on the day of reckoning and anyone in need should bow down and make the Zikr of Allah for Allah is the direct one to ask for help from . Allah is the only one who can help us. Allah is our maker and He is the taker and no human being not even our parents can fulfill our needs to make our hearts content. Weak, vulnerable people follow Shaik Nazim and this lack of belief in the Power of Allah the fulfiller of needs , the Unseen will be the cause of our downfall.
Wake up brothers and sisters before it is too late… not waste your Ibaadah on self- appointed people but go to Allah directly….He is the most Merciful…the only one capable of fulfilling our needs and hearing our prayers….no human being who could not even save himself .


Aoozobillahi Minasshaytaan Nirrajeem.
May Allah SWT guide us and protect us from Kufr. I agree with the brother that Shaik Nazim and his followers are lost and in grave error and not far from Kufr and Shirk. Shaik Nazim’s passionate yearning and desire for the
” doomsday- yawmul qiyaam” is something that makes you realise he is a fake. Our blessed Nabi Muhammed SAW always feared the day of Yawmul Qiyaam even though he was sinless and granted the glad tidings of the highest Jannah. Whenever he suspected a sign of Qiyaamah like the eclipse or a bad wind, he would stand before Allah and sweat in fear profusely and pray long Salaahs begging Allahs forgiveness and His Mercy for mankind for hours on end. Even his feet used to swell from the long hours of begging for Allah’s mercy. Sheik Nazim on the other hand was very eager to see Yawmul Qiyaam come as though he was prepared to meet Allah and His reckoning. This tells me that this man had no perception of Allah’s wrath or somehow thinks he has been excused from Allah’s wrath and punishments. Can he even come near the ranks of the Master of Mankind…Nabi Muhammed SAW…the khaataman Nabiyyeen (seal of all prophets)….Imaam of all Ambiyyah?? I think those who follow him are in grave sin and need to revisit the teachings of the Quraan and the Sunnah. Out prophet Muhammed SAW said there will be no new prophet after me and this day Allah SWT has perfected your religion, anyone who makes any innovation after my demise and misguides the Ummah….fear Allah’s wrath..for he will be severely punished…I know of young unmarried woman from the UK flocking like sheep at the Sheik’s door to hear his predictions about their future…..Keeping framed pictures of the Imaan in houses and calling upon him for help is an innovation and a grave sin for none but our Rasool will be able to intercede for us on the day of reckoning and anyone in need should bow down and make the Zikr of Allah for Allah is the direct one to ask for help from . Allah is the only one who can help us. Allah is our maker and He is the taker and no human being not even our parents can fulfill our needs to make our hearts content. Weak, vulnerable people follow Shaik Nazim and this lack of belief in the Power of Allah the fulfiller of needs , the Unseen will be the cause of our downfall.
Wake up brothers and sisters before it is too late… not waste your Ibaadah on self- appointed people but go to Allah directly….He is the most Merciful…the only one capable of fulfilling our needs and hearing our prayers….no human being… who could not even save himself .


Sheikh nazim RehmatullahAlai was a great blessed spiritual personality,he was syed respect him,i am pakistani and never happened to read his lectures,i only knew that he was saint from cyprus,but after his departure i saw him in my dream he gave me tawajah and connect my heart change my life,his spiritual blessing r continues and will always b inshaallah,Allah placed him in very high spiritual station which we cant understand,dont speak anything ill about him,because Enemy of saint becomes enemy of Allah eventually,Allah protect our imaan ameen


Bro, how do you know that it was really him in your dream?
you can only vouch if you saw prophet s.a.w in your dream. Anyone else could be
shaitan to misguide muslims. Unfortunately , there is a very long history as far as things he have said & they never happened. I also thought that he has said he was going to be mahdi a.s’s teacher when she shows up. How did that work out for him?


(In sadness)
This kind of misbehavior has a long history.
Richard F Burton, in his book, SIndh and the Races that Inhabit the valley of the Indus, had a chapter on Tassawuf. He described as typical how the wealthy Pirs
made every excuse for breaking sharia, on the grounds that to the pure, nothing was impure. Burton noted that followers regarded the Pir as the “under doorkeeper of Paradise” and that they felt all the more important by making exalted claims for their Pirs.
This was in the 1840s.

Take refuge in God

The best religious leaders do not seek glamour or distract from God.
So they remain obscure, because like God, they speak and live


None of them seek glamour or distraction from God
Some are ordered to live in obscurity and some are ordered to be out in the open.

And there are also fake sheikhs and real sheikhs with fake mureeds.



In world filled with religious confusion and following strict outer forms and dogma rather than looking at the essence of an action we find many criticisms like this particular one. Maybe the criticism is right with the possibility of it being wrong and maybe this article and judgement is wrong with the possibility of being right. How would we know when Allah is the Supreme Judge and our vision is restricted to what we have learnt, our culture, our Mathahab, our interpretations and our personal experiences of life and spirituality. I am merely opening the landscape and want to suggest that perhaps one should look at the fruits of what has been achieved by the Sufi Shaykh who is being criticized and measure the impact he has or had on the lives of many who have sought a path to spirituality and Allah consciousness. Our Prophet has also been criticized during and after his time but the fruits of his message and higher state of spirituality is the ultimate benchmark should you wish to criticize him.
“And he to whom worshipping is a window, to open but also to shut, has not yet visited the house of his soul whose windows are from dawn to dawn.”


How does he guide you after his death?
Who else guides you, The Prophet?
Tasawwuf is just icing on cake , that is all.
Actual guidance is from normal/regulars Quran & Sunnah alone.
You dont need a sufi master for your salvation. You need adherence alone to the deen
& you are guaranteed paradise.
Do not make a man divine when he is not. stick to Islam & enjoy tasawuf for spiritual endeavors.
You do not chose Sufism, it chooses you so if you see some with millions of sufi followers, then you need to know you are really following commercial sufism.


It this is true, well the law of Allah is clear. But man like you said make mistakes save prophets. Thanks for making everything clear. May the almighty overlook our shortcomings.


Don’t try to spoile the name of an ahlul baith/seyyid. It will totally change u as a murthad. Be careful when u research about Sallallahu alaihiwa sallam and there descendings, sahabis, Awliya Allah. Ask thawba or do anything we don’t care but Allah swt Will.


Allahuwalam but the Syaikh traces his roots from being descended from the Prophets lineage through Syeikh Abdul Kadir Jilani!


The question is If you had to choose between breaking someone’s wudu or breaking someone’s heart, what would you choose?


“western convert communities,… (with)…. their idealist ‘liberal’ attitudes towards Islam. Where ‘live and let live’ and ‘free love’ is the theme in their minds.”

This is slander. You need to change the words.

I don’t know any Western reverts who practice free love, just like i don’t know of any Western revert pedophile gangs.


Firstly… selamaleykum (abdulraheem).
Free love…? Elaborate your understanding on this a little more if you can ones understanding can be distorted…..


Wa Alaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullah

The term ‘free love’ is most often used to mean free sex.

Also Sheikh Nazim never told anyone to kiss his hand, when he got very old and ill and weak and far past feeling sexual feelings or being an object of sexual feelings, this thing happened, but he certainly didn’t call for it.


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